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2023-05-10 14:56:27


1)The German magazine Echo Continental reported the development of a new triple-decker city bus. Echo Continental was the trade publication of the auto and truck parts manufacturer Continental AG. The magazine focused on automobile and racing news. (1926年德国媒体宣布”三层巴士“问世)

2)A Berlin newspaper published a photo of a four-story bus. The offices of several local bus lines were subsequently flooded by calls from people who wanted to ride in "the world's first and only four-story motor bus."(1931年德国媒体宣布”四层巴士问世“)

3)The Dutch magazine Het Leven ran an article about a flying bicycle designed by inventor Peter Müller. Photographs showed the bicycle successfully taking off and soaring above Amsterdam.(1933年荷兰媒体宣布”飞行自行车“问世。)

4)"The equator was recently photographed for the first time in history. It turned out to be a broad white line which this schooner had difficulty in hurdling." [Life - Apr 4, 1938](1938年美国生活杂志宣布人类首次拍摄到“赤道”,一艘帆船难以通过的情形)

5)International Soundphoto distributed a photo of a flying bus swooping over the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. The photo ran in many papers, accompanied by the caption: "Well, Well, look how all those Parisians are being missed by the bus at Place de la Concorde. Anything can happen in the French capital on April Fool's day, they say, but it is suspected that some zany darkroom jokester had something to do with this." [Newsweek - Apr 10, 1950.](1950年美国新闻周刊宣布“飞行巴士”问世)

6)The Cologne Neue Illustrierte published a picture of "a tiny, aluminum-covered man" who had supposedly been rescued from a saucer that had crash landed after being shot by American anti-aircraft guns. The planet this being came from was unknown.(1950年德国媒体宣称“外星人”到访)

7)An image distributed by news services that appeared to show a dentist removing a lion's tooth. The image was actually a photomontage. (1962年新闻媒体发布牙医成功为狮子拔牙的图片)

8)The Lawrence Daily Journal-World reported that a group of science students had launched Kansas University's World War II Memorial Tower into orbit(1959年美国媒体报道堪萨斯大学二战纪念碑被成功发射升空)

9)"So there you are on the San Diego Freeway and you want to make a simple little old turn. It's a problem, though. There are two ways to figure it out. One is that photographer Curt Johnson decided to whomp up an April Fool's Day picture and this is the result. In that case, it's no problem at all. You just steer home the usual way. The second way, though, is that it is four o'clock in the morning, you stayed too long in your favorite pub and it really looks like this. That, friend, IS a problem. Aren't you glad it's April Fool?"

[Long Beach Press-Telegram - Apr 1, 1968](1968年美国媒体宣布“新型高速公路”在圣迭戈启用)

10)March 31, 1989: Thousands of motorists driving on the highway outside London looked up in the air to see a glowing flying saucer descending on their city. (1989年不明飞行物降落伦敦)

11)The April 1998 issue of the New Mexicans for Science and Reason newsletter contained an article claiming that the Alabama state legislature had voted to change the value of the mathematical constant pi from 3.14159 to the 'Biblical value' of 3.0. Soon the article made its way onto the internet, and then it rapidly spread around the world, forwarded by email. It only became apparent how far the article had spread when the Alabama legislature began receiving hundreds of calls from people protesting the legislation. The original article, which was intended as a parody of legislative attempts to circumscribe the teaching of evolution, was written by physicist Mark Boslough.(1988年数学家证明Pi值为3.0)

12)April 1, 1985: ITN News reported that the British Department of Energy, as part of its ongoing effort to help companies save money by reducing office heating bills, had developed a thermally insulated tie. "Our research," the DOE's Chief Scientist Dr. Derek Pooley explained, "has discovered that heat loss from the body is particularly important in the front of the chest, and this thermally insulated tie is to prevent heat loss from that part of the body." The DOE predicted that if office workers were to wear these "thermal ties," British companies could save up to £5 million annually on heating bills. Conservative MP Anthony Beaumont-Dark subsequently reprimanded the DOE for participating in the spoof news video, noting that such pranks were "OK for the music hall, but we do not expect this type of thing from government departments."(1982年英国媒体报道英国科学家发明“供暖领带”,可以节省房间供暖能耗)

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