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2023-05-10 14:56:27


主编:张智超 | IDInsightintoIELTS

美编运营: 李雨若 | 图:网络




周二:Win-Win Show


周日:Uncle E's Cabin 


今天为大家带来的小课堂,是关于媒体类话题最基础的一个概念 mass media 大众媒体的概念定义性的一个小文章。



What is mass media?

Mass media is media that is intended for a large audience. It may take the form of broadcast media, as in the case of television and radio,or print media, like newspapers and magazines. Internet media can also attain mass media status, and many media outlets maintain a web presence to take advantage of the ready availability of Internet in many regions of the world. Some people also refer to it as the “mainstream media,” referencing the fact that it tends to stick to prominent stories which will be of interest to ageneral audience, sometimes ignoring controversial breaking news. Many people around the world rely on this form of media for news and entertainment, and globally, it is a huge industry.

Usually, mass media aims to reach a very large market, such as the entire population of a country. By contrast, local media covers a much smaller population and area, focusing on regional news of interest, while specialty media is provided for particular demographic groups. Some local media outlets that cover state or provincial news may rise to prominence thanks to their investigative journalism, and to the clout that their particular regions have in national politics. The Guardian, formerly known as the Manchester Guardian, for example, is a nationally-respected paper in England that started as a regional daily.

One of the biggest criticisms of the mass media is that it is too topical. When a media outlet is forced to cover national and international news, it cannot address numerous interesting local stories because these stories are not of interest to very many viewers. For example, the residents of a community might view their fight against development as critical, but the story would only attract the attention of a wider audience if the fight became controversial or if precedents of some form were set.

People often think of mass media as the news, but it also includes entertainment like television shows, books, and films. It may also be educational in nature, as in the instance of public broadcasting stations that provide educational programming to a national audience. Political communications including propaganda are also frequently distributed through the media, as are public service announcements and emergency alerts.

While elitists may be tempted to sneer at the mass media, referring to it as the “opiate of the masses,” it is a critical part of human societies. Understanding mass media is usually key to understanding a population and culture, which is why the field of media studies is so huge. Watching, reading, and interacting with a nation's media can provide clues into how people think, especially if a diverse assortment of sources are viewed.


Mass media is media that is intended for a large audience. It may take the form of broadcast media, as in the case of television and radio, or print media, like newspapers and magazines. Internet media can also attain mass media status, and many media outlets maintain a web presence to take advantage of the ready availability of Internet in many regions of the world. Some people also refer to it as the “mainstream media,” referencing the fact that it tends to stick to prominent stories which will be of interest to a general audience, sometimes ignoring controversial breaking news. Many people around the world rely on this form of media for news and entertainment, and globally, it is a huge industry.

a large audience 大量观众。a live audience 现场观众。target audience 目标受众

broadcast media: television and radio 电视或者广播媒体

print media: newspapers and magazines 纸质媒体

attain … status 达到… 地位。attainable 可以达到的

web presence 传统媒体的网络版

take advantage of  利用

ready availability 现成的可用性。相关例句有: governments are trying to improve the availability of schooling for girls./ it noted barriers to availability and poor infrastructure as major problems.

mainstream 主流的。常见搭配有:mainstream education/ society/ parties 等。也可以作动词:使为大多数人所接受 Vegetarianism has been mainstreamed. 

prominent 杰出的,显著的。 play a prominent part in 发挥重要作用。

breaking news 突发新闻

Usually, mass media aims to reach a very large market, such as the entire population of a country. By contrast, local media covers a much smaller population and area, focusing on regional news of interest, while specialty media is provided for particular demographic groups. Some local media outlets that cover state or provincial news may rise to prominence thanks to their investigative journalism, and to the clout that their particular regions have in national politics. The Guardian, formerly known as the Manchester Guardian, for example, is a nationally-respected paper in England that started as a regional daily.

demographic 人口学的。作名词 demographics 人口统计数据

rise to prominence 崭露头角

thanks to 由于,归功于

investigative journalism 调查研究报告

clout 影响力;势力。political/ financial clout 经济势力

nationally-respected 全国尊重的。类似副词 + 形容词 ed 的组合形式,比较常见:nationally-televised/ universally-accepted/ widely-used/ firmly-held 

daily 作名词是日报的意思

最后一句话  The Guardian, formerly known as the Manchester Guardian, for example, is a nationally-respected paper in England that started as a regional daily. 中间出现了好几个逗号。

第一个逗号是为了分开过去分词后置的一个修饰,可以理解为  the Guardian which is formerly known as …

第二和第三个逗号是为了插入语 for example。以为这个连词词组完全和主句意思没有任何关联,放在句中插入语,前后都要加逗号。

One of the biggest criticisms of the mass media is that it is too topical. When a media outlet is forced to cover national and international news, it cannot address numerous interesting local stories because these stories are not of interest to very many viewers. For example, the residents of a community might view their fight against development as critical, but the story would only attract the attention of a wider audience if the fight became controversial or if precedents of some form were set.

criticisms of 批评、指责。可数名词。

其他的常见搭配有:attract criticism/ widespread criticism/ be open to criticism/ take criticism/ offer sb. constructive criticism/ criticism levelled at (= aimed at) journalists

topical 有关时事的

outlet 感情等的出路、经销店、排放口

cover national and international news 这里的 cover 是报道的意思,当然这个词还有很多其他的意思。coverage 则是名词,表示新闻报道,不可数。

address 这个词又是一个多义词,比如:地址、演讲、称呼某人,这里是处理、解决的意思,比如例句: these concerns were not adequately addressed in the report.

be of interest to sb. 其实就是说这个东西很有意思,但是没有用到比较老套的 interesting 罢了。

controversial 很有争议的。也可以尝试用名词形式 arouse controversy

precedents 先例。常见搭配就是 set a precedent。空前的 there is no precedent/ without precedent。前所未有的 unprecedented

People often think of mass media as the news, but it also includes entertainment like television shows, books, and films. It may also be educational in nature, as in the instance of public broadcasting stations that provide educational programming to a national audience. Political communications including propaganda are also frequently distributed through the media, as are public service announcements and emergency alerts.

think of sth. as 认为… 是/ 有

in nature 事实上,实质上

in the instance of 在…的情况下

public broadcasting stations 公共广播电台

programming 电视广播节目的编排

propaganda 宣传/ 鼓吹(贬义)

public service announcements 公益广告

emergency alerts 紧急情况警报

While elitists may be tempted to sneer at the mass media, referring to it as the “opiate of the masses,” it is a critical part of human societies. Understanding mass media is usually key to understanding a population and culture, which is why the field of media studies is so huge. Watching, reading,and interacting with a nation's media can provide clues into how people think, especially if a diverse assortment of sources are viewed.

elitists 杰出人物,精英人士

be tempted to 动了心

sneer at 讥笑

opiate of the masses 精神鸦片

critical 极重要的

provide clues into 提供线索

a diverse assortment of 各种各样的

媒体真的是一把双刃剑,特别是前几个月的那个 red yellow blue 事件,更让觉得,媒体对于社会舆论的操纵,能力之大,完全不是我这种吃瓜群众可以 hold 住的。

对于还是小老百姓的我,决定不去纠结很多的 trending news,还是好好学好英语,学好雅思,用知识武装自己的大脑,用语言让自己看到更远的方向。





Part 2高级答案养成记(解析+方法+示范)



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